Kim cương mài bánh xe cân nhắc trong quá trình thay thế

2014-06-28 1539

The wear problem:
Any grinding wheel has a certain use wear, wear to a certain degree must be re replacement of the grinding wheel. Not in order to save materials, super wear requires the use of, this is a very unsafe acts in violation of regulations. General provisions, when the wear of grinding wheel diameter than the chuck diameter 10mm should replace the new grinding wheel.
Period of validity:
The new grinding wheel brought out from the warehouse is not a qualified wheel, and even new wheel from manufacturers to buy is not necessarily qualified grinding wheel. Any grinding wheel has a certain validity, used within the period of validity, it is qualified wheel; use over a period of validity, do not necessarily qualified grinding wheel. The rules of "grinding wheel should be used within the period of validity, resin and rubber bonded grinding wheel storage after one year must be approved by the turning test, may be eligible to use".
Quality problems:
In the use process, if it is found that the grinding wheel local cracks, should immediately stop using, to replace the new grinding wheel, so as not to cause the wheel broken accidents.